Maptool/Savage Worlds Framework FAQ

I developed this document based on actual questions from the the forum thread concerning the Savage Worlds Framework for Maptool. If you have other questions, please submit them to rupert dot troll at gmail dot com. Your feedback will help make these instructions better so please, don't be shy.

Also, if you enjoy the modules, please consider purchasing one of my novellas.
The New Moon Murders - 1930 Detective/Horror Story
World of Grey - SciFi adventure
  1. How do I start Maptool?
  2. How do I set the Stacksize if I don't use the Java web launch?
  3. Where do I get the Savage Worlds Framework?
  4. How do I load the framework?
  5. Where do I get help regarding the framework?
  6. Where do I get help for Maptool?
  7. Where do I get help for Savage Worlds?
  8. I get an error when I try to bring up a character sheet. How do I fix that?
  9. I get an error when I try to use gear or powers. How do I fix that?
  10. When I run anything from the character sheet I receive confusing output with a lot of << >> in it. How do I fix that?
  11. What light and sight settings do I use for Savage worlds
The easiest way to start Maptool is via the java web launch URL located under 'Important Links' on this web page. That link will be kept up-to-date with any settings required to use Maptool with this framework. You can also download Maptool from the download page but you'll need to make a few minor adjustments to the launching scripts in order to use the framework.
 2. How do I set the stack size if I don't use the Java web launch?

For Linux based machines, you'll need to open the "Launch" command file  and find the line with STACKSZ="2m". Change this to STACKSZ="4m".
For windows, open "Lauch Maptool.bat" and change the line from
javaw -Xmx512M -Xss512K -jar maptool-*.jar run
 javaw -Xmx512M -Xss4m -jar maptool-*.jar run
 I'm not really sure what you do for Mac. I assume you launch Maptool with a command line arg. (ask Toff for launch process)
 3. Where do I get the Savage Worlds Framework?

Savage Worlds Framework For Maptool contains the download link for the latest version of the framework. 

 4. How do I load the framework?

  • Download the framework (see previous question). 
  • Unzip the framework. 
  • Launch Maptool 
  • In Maptool, File->Open Campaign
  • Load the file you unzipped

5. Where do I get help regarding the framework?

[Savage Worlds] RPTroll's Campaign File Framework on the forum is the best place to go for help. The framework has many users who monitor that thread for updates and are willing to help those new to Maptool and the framework.
6. Where do I get help for Maptool?
The forums contain a huge number of postings and lots of helpful folks. 
7. Where do I get help for Savage Worlds?
The Pinnacle forums are a great place to ask questions about Savage Worlds.
8. I get an error when I try to bring up a character sheet. How do I fix that?
Be sure to check these important settings.
  • As of the current version everyone will need to set their stack size to 4 MB or the character sheet will not run
  • As of the current version you must set the tool tip flag in preferences Edit->Preferences find the Chat group and click "Use Tooltips For Inline Rolls"
  • All Macros on the Lib: tokens must be trusted which means
  • The library token must be visible to players (make sure Visible to Players is set in the right-click context menu)
  • The library token must have a name in the format "Lib:name" The library token must be present on only one map in the campaign file.
  • The library token may not be owned by any players (it's best not to be owned by ANYONE!)
9. I get an error when I try to use gear or powers. How do I fix that?
It is possible to get gear and powers out of sync with the currently loaded setting token.  The best thing to do would be to select the setting token that matches the character token in question and use the "Put Setting Macros" button to sync the Lib Token macros with the Setting Token.
10. When I run anything from the character sheet I receive confusing output with a lot of << >> in it. How do I fix that?
You must set the tool tip flag in preferences Edit->Preferences find the Chat group and click "Use Tooltips For Inline Rolls"

11. What light and sight settings do I use for Savage worlds


Savage Worlds
Flashlight-10: cone arc=90 10
Lantern-4: circle 4
Nightvision goggles - 10: cone arc=30 10#00e000
Candel-2: circle 2

Auras ---- 
Medium: aura circle 2#ff0000 
Cone: aura cone arc=30 9#ffff00 
Large: aura circle 3#00ff00 
Small: aura circle 1#0000ff

Darkvision: circle distance=6 r6 
Normal Vision - Short Range: circle distance=12.5 
Normal: circle 
Square Vision: square 
Lowlight: circle x2 
Conic Vision: cone arc=120