Monday, February 27, 2012

Savage Worlds: Olympian Breed Pre-Gens Review and some Greek Paper Figures

Savage Worlds Olympian Breed Pre-Gens Review ...and some Greek Paper Figures

Pre-Gen Characters for play or reference
by Palewolf Publishing

Price: FREE
Pages: 5

1. Savage Worlds Deluxe Edition
2. Savage Worlds Super powers Companion
3. Savage Worlds Fantasy Companion
4. Olympian Breed - Setting Primer & Character Creation Guide
5. Olympian Breed: Act One

See my previous review of #4 above.

Slowly the pieces of the Olympian Breed setting are coming out. On my first review of their setting I mentioned the necessity of Pregens for getting started. I'm sure this was in the works and am glad it's out. This review is a few weeks late but visit Palewolf's web site, specifically their blog post on Ancient Greek History for some great resources to help push the development of a fully realized game. I'm a visually inspired person so, if you're like me, the trailer for the upcoming Wrath of the Titans should help get your creative juices going.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Framework Update 1

I thought I'd post a few screen shots of my work on the new framework so you get an idea of what I'm doing. Rather than 6 (or 7 or 8) setting library tokens, I've collapsed this down to two for the new framework: Lib:Rules and Lib:Setting.

Lib:Rules contains all the macro code while Lib:Setting contains all the data. In theory, you can swap setting tokens with ease. You just point the Rules token to it for data.

The heart of the Setting token is a set of lists containing all the stuff needed by the rules. This is where you'll add the names for things like Arcane Backgrounds, Skills, Derived Stats, Edges, and Hindrances. If you don't need a particular skill, like Guts, you simply remove it from the list and the code will ignore it from that point forward.

The screenshot below shows the results of the Manage Setting macro.

Another goal of this framework is to allow for internationalization. I do this through the Languages and Labels tab. In it you can pick a language and then edit the text to suit the needs of your games. I did this mostly for the German Savages that use my framework but I hope others will make use of it as well.

To change the language you simply select it from the dropdown. To edit the text you click on the label name which brings up a dialog to let you edit the translated text. Note you can also use this to alter the displayed English text as well. All text on the screen goes through this lookup regardless of language.

I can see already I'm going to need to code a utility to import labels from one Lib:Rules token to another.

After you have the lists defined, you can start configuring the setting under the Configuration tab.

  • Races, Monstrous Abilities, Edges and Hindrances all work the same by adding, replacing, or modifying traits and stats defined on the lists page. 
  • Derived Stats are those called out in the Savage Worlds rule set for things like Toughness, Charisma, and Parry. 
  • Other Stats include things that are modified by Edges, Hindrances, and Races but fall outside other stats (like Soak roll modifiers). 
  • Arcane Backgrounds have their own set of screens to configure power point usage, powers, skill name, initial power points, and initial powers. 

To configure these items, I've created Wizards to ease data entry. Below is a simple example from Derived Stats. Items with a formula ignore the default. Formulas must follow a specific format. In the case below, Parry and Toughness get the Die Num (i.e. 4 for a four sided die) of a trait and perform some math on it.

That's all for now. I'll post more as time allows.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Blog Post You Should Never Publish

I know you should never post explaining why you haven't been posting. Still, I've never let common sense stand in the way of publication.

I've been hard at work creating a new Savage Worlds framework for MapTool. The effort has several goals including:
  1. Internationalization - GM can change the labels on the screens so non-English speakers can use the framework.
  2. Full integration of race, edges, hindrances, and monstrous abilities on trait rolls. You have to define these for the setting but it works really well.
  3. Custom definitions of arcane backgrounds. I want something that handles Hellfrost, Solomon Kane, Realms of C'thulhu, Necessary Evil, the Companions (Fantasy, Super Powers, Horror) with ease.
  4. Wizard-based configuration to help with setup.
  5. Setting based rather than character sheet based - the last framework started and stayed centered around the character sheet. The new one is centered around the setting with the character sheet as one of the products.
  6. Multiple deck support - the new framework will handle any number of adventure and action decks.
  7. Group movement and initiative
  8. Gadgets, equipment, and artifacts - probably one of the biggest changes is gear definition. Rather than have 4 types of gear (weapon, armor, ammo, and other) all gear will be configured the same  where you assign different aspects to the gear. One of the new aspects will be powers. This will help greatly with Weird Science gadgets. 
  9. and much, much more.
So I'll be gone for a bit, probably a few months. Derek B will be filling in with some reviews and other tidbits. I'll try to get some posts up showing the new framework as well.

Thanks for all your support.