Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Weird Wars Rome - Savage Worlds Kickstarter

Weird Wars Rome - A new Savage Worlds Kickstarter Launched!
They're at it again!  This time it's ancient Rome. Given how much I got out of the Deadland Noir Kickstarter, its a no-brainer and I'm glad to jump in. Pinnacle is, however, taking a different approach this time.  They've already done the heavy lifting (writing, art, layout) so the KS is about getting the book printed as well as all the goodies that are unlocked in the stretch goals.  They blew past their $6,000 pledge goal the first day.

The main blurb:
Weird Wars Rome is a setting and campaign book for adventures of violence and horror in the ancient world. It includes new rules for Spoils of War, Campaign Interludes, and Legacies that allow characters to pass down their deeds and treasures to future generations of their bloodline.
War Masters will also find our comprehensive Adventure Generator and TWO mini-Plot Point Campaigns.
NOTE: Further down you find out this is the only way you can get the limited edition Hardback.
So far, the total set of offerings, before stretch goals are:  PDF Book, Hardbound, Softbound, GM screen, Noctis Germanicus Adventure, double-sided full color map laminated so you can mark on it, and Custom Red Chessex Dice.   The digital extras will probably be music, figure flats, one sheets, new monsters, etc.  I personally jumped in at the $40 Decanus level. I get the PDF the day the KS ends and the Hardbound by December. I also look forward to all the digital goodies. I almost cheaped-out and went with the $30 level for the PDF & softbound but the Hardbound will only be thru the KS. 
Other news:
I still can't wait for the forthcoming SciFi Setting, Solo-Adventures, and all the other Pinnacle Stuff coming this year. They are a busy crew.

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