Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Space 1889 Ship Builder

As teased earlier, Savage Troll Publications is proud to present the SPACE:1889 - Red Sands Cloudship, Gunboat, and Ether Ship builder for the Savage Worlds rule system.

You can download the trial version and give it a try. The link is to a zip file which must be extracted to your PC or Mac. The zip contains two Excel spreadsheets, one containing macros the other does not, along with 21 ship images from the original SPACE:1889 material.

One word of warning, Excel will complain to high heaven that there are macros that might be harmful to your computer. This is a standard warning it gives for any spreadsheet you download from the Internet. The macros it complains about are buttons on the spreadsheet that reset the data, print the first page, take you to the Weapons page and back, and one that places a ship's image on the spreadsheet.

Instructions for the spreadsheet can be found on the new Savage Tools page on this blog.

Good luck and let us know if you find any errors.

Included in the download are the ships from Sky Galleons of Mars. It's a great supplement I recommend purchasing.

If you just want the ship images for Map Tool tokens, you can download them without the spreadsheet.


  1. It was fun to make. Expect more tools coming soon for SPACE:1889.

    1. Hi,

      Running a Space 1889 Savage Worlds game. Thank you for this great tool. I know its a bit late to ask, but did you convert any classic vehicles? If so, would you consider sharing?


  2. You should be able to convert them yourself with the spreadsheet. You'd need the original material. You can purchase that from one of the links above. I have a maptool campaign file with some of them in it. At least I think I do. I would have to dig.

  3. Thanks Keith, I was heading into a session and was trying to side step some prep. I have to say the prep I did do was much easier because of your tool.

    It is really appreaciated!

  4. Would like to be able to open this and add some things you left out, may I have the password please?
